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Create Revenue by Adding Your Domains to our Marketplace
Easy Domain-Upload. Automatic Order Notifications. Automatic Payments. All in one Platform
How it works
Add Your Domain List with our Upload-module by few clicks

+ Upload One or Multiple Domains
+ Max. 500 domains pr. Upload
+ Submit & Go to Domain Details

Add Domains Details which will be presented on our Marketplace

+ Add Domain Info
+ Await Approval Process

Your Domain Portfolio is now Live on the Marketplace

+ Domains are now Live on the Marketplace
+ Keep track on your Domain Portfolio
+ Adjust Domain Details at all Times
+ Await Order Notification

Await Order Notification from our Platform

+ Automatic Order Notification
+ Article is Ready to get Published
+ Publish Article
+ Upload Publishing Link in our Platform
+ Await Payment

Keep Track on All Orders & Auto-Payments in Article Status

+ Keep Track on Incoming Orders
+ Keep Track on Article Status
+ Keep Track on Payment Status